
Library of numerical instances (MOMIP, MOLP, MOIP, MOCO)

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UKP: class of uncorrelated instances

These are classical instances. The costs c1(i), c2(i) and the weights w(i) are generated independently following a uniform distribution in a given set. There is no correlation neither between the objective costs, nor between any objective cost and the weight.


The format of all of these data files is:

number of variables (n)
number of objectives (p = 2)
number of constraints (k = 1)
cost of item i for objective 1 (i = 1,...,n)
cost of item i for objective 2 (i = 1,...,n)
weight of item i (i = 1,...,n)
total weight of the knapsack W

Lines of comments begin by #.



ID : instance’s name

instance file : instance’s file

INFO file : report about the numerical characteristics

Y_N file : set of non dominated points

X_E_M file : Maximum complete set of efficient solutions

Instances referenced 1A in [1]

The instances are denoted by 2KPn-c.dat where n is the size of the problem, and 0.c is the tightness ratio. The objective costs and the weights are generated according to a uniform distribution respectively in {30,…100} and in {20,…500}. There are 05 instances:

ID Available
2KP50-11.dat instance file INFO file Y_N file X_E_M file
2KP50-50.dat instance file INFO file Y_N file X_E_M file
2KP50-92.dat instance file INFO file Y_N file X_E_M file
2KP100-50.dat instance file INFO file Y_N file X_E_M file
2KP500-41.dat instance file INFO file

Files contain data from [1]:

[1] Xavier Gandibleux, Arnaud Freville. Tabu Search Based Procedure for Solving the 0-1 MultiObjective Knapsack Problem: the two objective case. Journal of Heuristics, 6 (3) 361-383, 2000.

Instances referenced 1B/A in [2]

The instances are denoted by 2KPn-1A.dat where n is the size of the problem. The objective costs and the weights are generated according to a uniform distribution in [1,…,100]. All instances have a tightness ratio W / (Sum{i=1,…n} w(i)) = 0.5. There are 10 instances:

ID Available
2KP50-1A.dat instance file
2KP100-1A.dat instance file
2KP150-1A.dat instance file
2KP200-1A.dat instance file
2KP250-1A.dat instance file
2KP300-1A.dat instance file
2KP350-1A.dat instance file
2KP400-1A.dat instance file
2KP450-1A.dat instance file
2KP500-1A.dat instance file

Files contain data from [2]:

[2] M. Visée, J. Teghem, M. Pirlot and E. L. Ulungu. Two-phases Method and Branch and Bound Procedures to solve the Bi-objective Knapsack Problem. Journal of Global Optimization 12: 139–155 (1998).

Instances referenced 1B/B in [3]

The instances are denoted by 2KPn-1B.dat where n is the size of the problem. The first objective cost and the weights are generated according to a uniform distribution in [1,…,100]. The second objective is obtained by taking the objective cost of the first one in reverse order. All instances have a tightness ratio W / (Sum{i=1,…n} w(i)) = 0.5. There are 10 instances:

ID Available
2KP50-1B.dat instance file
2KP100-1B.dat instance file
2KP150-1B.dat instance file
2KP200-1B.dat instance file
2KP250-1B.dat instance file
2KP300-1B.dat instance file
2KP350-1B.dat instance file
2KP400-1B.dat instance file
2KP450-1B.dat instance file
2KP500-1B.dat instance file

Files contain data from [3]:

[3] Fabien Degoutin and Xavier Gandibleux. Un retour d’expérience sur la résolution de problèmes combinatoires bi-objectifs. 5e journée du groupe de travail Programmation Mathématique MultiObjectif (PM20), Angers, France, 17 mai 2002.

Instances referenced 2/UNCOR [4]

The objective costs and the weights of the instances 2/UNCOR are both generated according to a uniform distribution in [1,…,300] or [1,…,1000]. All these instances have the same size n = 50. These instances are denoted by F5050Wx.dat (instances generated with numbers in [1,…,300]) or K5050Wx.dat (instances generated with numbers in [1,…,1000]), x denotes the number of the instance. All instances have a tightness ratio W / (Sum{i=1,…n} w(i)) = 0.5. There are 20 instances:

ID Available
F5050W01.dat instance file
F5050W02.dat instance file
F5050W03.dat instance file
F5050W04.dat instance file
F5050W05.dat instance file
F5050W06.dat instance file
F5050W07.dat instance file
F5050W08.dat instance file
F5050W09.dat instance file
F5050W10.dat instance file
K5050W01.dat instance file
K5050W02.dat instance file
K5050W03.dat instance file
K5050W04.dat instance file
K5050W05.dat instance file
K5050W06.dat instance file
K5050W07.dat instance file
K5050W08.dat instance file
K5050W09.dat instance file
K5050W10.dat instance file

Files contain data from [4]:

[4] M. E. Captivo, J. Clímaco, J. Figueira, E. Martins and J. L. Santos. Solving bicriteria 0-1 knapsack problems using a labeling algorithm. Computers & Operations Research 30 (2003) 1865–1886.