
Library of numerical instances (MOMIP, MOLP, MOIP, MOCO)

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vOptLib: Library of numerical instances for MultiObjective Linear Optimization problems


vOptLib (short for vector optimization library) is a collection problem instances for benchmarking multi-objective solvers. It covers a variety of Multiobjective linear optimization problems (multiobjective combinatorial problems, multiobjective integer linear programs, multiobjective mixed integer programs).

Available online since 1998, and redesigned in 2017, the repository is currently maintained by Xavier.Gandibleux@univ-nantes.fr If you have produced your own instances and you would like to become contributor to vOptLib with your collection, please do not hesitate to contact me.


03-Sep-2022: instances of 0/1 uncapacited facility location problem uploaded
12-Jul-2021: instances of set partitioning problem uploaded
02-Sep-2017: moved from gitlab to here (repository on gitlab will be closed soon)
05-May-2017: New repository launched.

Problem Classes

vOptLib is organized in structured and non-structured problems. It distinguishes the following problem classes:


The following instances can be downloaded and used for free. If you use them for your research, we would appreciate a reference to vOptLib in your publication.


Created in 1998 and available online since, the library -originaly named MCDMlib and later the MOCOlib- was dedicated to MultiObjective Combinatorial Optimization problems. It is referenced from:

Amongst the instances available, the library hosts instances used by us during the following research projects:

The obsolete (but active) URLs are:

Others collections

If you are aware of the existence of a collection available online that is not listed here, please do not hesitate to contact us for adding a link to it.