
Library of numerical instances (MOMIP, MOLP, MOIP, MOCO)

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UKP: class of instances with repeated costs

This series proposes two subclasses of instances namely 1B-C and 1B-D in [1], where the costs are repeated several times in consecutive items for both objectives. They have been introduced in [1]:

[1] Fabien Degoutin and Xavier Gandibleux. Un retour d’expérience sur la résolution de problèmes combinatoires bi-objectifs. 5e journée du groupe de travail Programmation Mathématique MultiObjectif (PM20), Angers, France, 17 mai 2002.

These instances are denoted by 2KPn-1C.dat or 2KPn-1D.dat where $n$ is the size of the problem.


The format of all of these data files is:

number of variables (n)
number of objectives (p = 2)
number of constraints (k = 1)
cost of item i for objective 1 (i = 1,...,n)
cost of item i for objective 2 (i = 1,...,n)
weight of item i (i = 1,...,n)
total weight of the knapsack W

Lines of comments begin by #.



ID : instance’s name

instance file : instance’s file

INFO file : report about the numerical characteristics

Y_N file : set of non dominated points

X_E_M file : Maximum complete set of efficient solutions

Instances referenced 1B/C in [1]

There are 10 instances:

ID Available
2KP50-1C.dat instance file
2KP100-1C.dat instance file
2KP150-1C.dat instance file
2KP200-1C.dat instance file
2KP250-1C.dat instance file
2KP300-1C.dat instance file
2KP350-1C.dat instance file
2KP400-1C.dat instance file
2KP450-1C.dat instance file
2KP500-1C.dat instance file

Instances referenced 1B/D in [1]

There are 10 instances:

ID Available
2KP50-1D.dat instance file
2KP100-1D.dat instance file
2KP150-1D.dat instance file
2KP200-1D.dat instance file
2KP250-1D.dat instance file
2KP300-1D.dat instance file
2KP350-1D.dat instance file
2KP400-1D.dat instance file
2KP450-1D.dat instance file
2KP500-1D.dat instance file