
Library of numerical instances (MOMIP, MOLP, MOIP, MOCO)

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UFLP: the series

There are currently 35 data files.


All the values are integers. The format of these data files is:

number of users (nI)
number of services (nJ)
blank line    
costs for objective 1 c1(i,j) as a matrix with nI lines and nJ columns
blank line
costs for objective 2 c2(i,j) as a matrix with nI lines and nJ columns
blank line
costs for objective 1 r1(j) as a vector with nJ values
blank line
costs for objective 2 r2(j) as a vector with  nJ values


The series F is has been created by Elena Fernandez. The collection has been generated in pasting two mono-objective UFLP.

The series H is has been created by Irina Harris and Christine Mumford. The collection comes from a green logistic project (objective 1 = costs; objective 2 = CO2).

The data files are:

Click instance file to access to these files.

** Instances referenced in: **

E. Fernandez, J. Puerto. Multiobjective solution of the uncapacitated plant location problem. European Journal of Operational Research 145 (2003) 509–529.

I. Harris, C. Mumford, M. Naim. The multi-objective uncapacitated facility location problem for green logistics. In: IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation, 2009. CEC’09 proceedings, pp. 2732–2739.

S. Bourougaa, A. Derrien, A. Grimault, X. Gandibleux and A. Przybylski. Sur le calcul des solutions efficaces du problème bi-objectif de localisation de services sans contrainte de capacité. ROADEF 2012. 11-13 Avril 2012, Angers, France.

X. Gandibleux, A. Przybylski , S. Bourougaa, A. Derrien, A. Grimault. Computing the Efficient Frontier for the 0/1 Biobjective Uncapacitated Facility Location Problem. CORS/MOPGP’2012. June 11-13, 2012, Niagara Falls, Canada.