Library of numerical instances (MOMIP, MOLP, MOIP, MOCO)
There are currently 44 data files. They correspond to 11 bi-objective set covering problems.
For each problem, 4 variants are given: class A, B, C and D:
The format is originally from the OR library extended for handling multiple objectives.
The format of all of these data files is:
number of rows (m), number of columns (n)
the cost of each column for objective 1 c1(j),j=1,...,n
the cost of each column for objective 2 c2(j),j=1,...,n
for each row i (i=1,...,m): the number of columns which cover row i followed by a list of the columns which cover row i
ID : instance’s name
Instances referenced in [1]
Series 10
Series 40
Series 60
Series 80
Series 100
Series 200
Files contain data from [1]:
[1] Xavier Gandibleux, David Vancoppenolle and Daniel Tuyttens. A first making use of GRASP for solving MOCO problems 14th International Conference in Multiple Criteria Decision-Making June 8–12, 1998, Charlottesville, USA.